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天哪 太美了,她永远忘不了今夜,还有海鸟先生.
可是 他走了,留下了安妮自己,还有肚子里的宝宝,但生活还在继续,



Separation of hard to avoid can let a person sad, but it does happen occasionally.
Anne is a green ducks, she is a barber, do all kinds of people every day,
So, for example, like this.


Separation of hard to avoid can let a person sad, but it does happen occasionally.
Anne is a green ducks, she is a barber, do all kinds of people every day,
So, for example, like this.
After work, she often go to the bar, a person may be because there is no place to go, there is the company of wine as though she weren't so lonely!
Evening she was the only person in the home, she likes to see a hot air balloon game, it wants to live a free life, like a balloon can fly, to the vast sky.
Day so repeated, occasionally some ripples, but leave no traces.
Friends will come to see her once in a while, is, of course, only need to wash.
She often thought, if her hard points, now would be different.
When annoyed to attack her, she is such a need to wine, but is not a good day today.
She immersed in their own world, didn't pay attention to the danger.
God was so beautiful, she'll never forget tonight, Mr And seabirds.
But he left, leaving the Anne, and baby in the belly, but life goes on,
Oh, that's not a duck, the guests were shocked,
The barber's at sixes and sevens little fellow,
You're fired!The boss said the angry,
Anne's black in the world
Only left her seem to be a man in the world, a person.
Only think about Annie quieter in the lake.
She seemed to forget to what, poor little guy didn't know how to swim,
Mom, mom,
Anne startled, poor little guy.
Anne, holding the boy burst into tears,
The moon came out, little one in the mother's arms fall asleep.
The new barbershop, both mother and son is so beautiful,
Perhaps this is the beginning of happiness


Separation of hard to avoid can let a person sad, but it does happen occasionally. Anne is a green ducks, she is a barber, a day to all kinds of people haircut, such as this, so. After work, she often...


Separation of hard to avoid can let a person sad, but it does happen occasionally. Anne is a green ducks, she is a barber, a day to all kinds of people haircut, such as this, so. After work, she often go to the bar, a person may be because there is no place to go, there is the company of wine as though she weren't so lonely! Evening she was the only person in the home, she likes to see a hot air balloon game, it wants to live a free life, like a balloon can fly, to the vast sky. Day so repeated, occasionally some ripples, but leave no traces. Friends will come to see her once in a while, is, of course, only need to wash. She often thought, if her hard points, now would be different. When annoyed to attack her, she is such a need to wine, but is not a good day today. She immersed in their own world, didn't pay attention to the danger. God was so beautiful, she'll never forget tonight, Mr And seabirds. Himself, but he left, leaving the Anne and baby in the belly, but life goes on, dear, that's not a duck, the guests were shocked, the barber's at sixes and sevens little fellow, you're fired! Boss angry Annie said, and the world of dark seems she left for only one person in the world, a person. Anne quieter think only of the lake, but she seems to forget what, poor little guy didn't know how to swim, mom, mom, Annie wake up, the poor little guy. Anne holding the kid burst into tears, and the moon came out, the little guy in the mother's arms fall asleep. The new barbershop, both mother and son is so beautiful, maybe this is the beginning of happiness


Departure is inevitably followed by some sorrows. But things can be surprising occassionally.
Annie is a green duck. As a barber, Anne do hair-dressing for different kinds of guest each d...


Departure is inevitably followed by some sorrows. But things can be surprising occassionally.
Annie is a green duck. As a barber, Anne do hair-dressing for different kinds of guest each day.
Like this, and that.
Anne goes to bar alone after work. Perhaps she just has no where to go. Having beer by her side may make her less lonely after all.
There is no one but her at home in the evening. She enjoys watching hot air balloon matches. She wants a carefree life. Like the balloons, she can set free herself and fly to the boundless skies.
Days after days, she repeated her lives. There may be ripples sometimes but they leave no traces anyway.
Sometimes friends would visit her, for hair-washing purpose of course.
She always blame herself..If I were a little more earnest, would things become differently now?
When this frustration assualts her, she desperately need beers this time. Yet today is not a great day for her.
She is drowning in her world, omitting the dangers around.
"Oh my goodness!That is so beautiful". She would never forget this night, and Mr. Seabird.
But he leaves the next day, leaving Annie and a baby in her stomach. But life has to go on.
"Oh my! That is not a duck!" The guests scream with fear.
And the kid turns the shop upside down
"You are fired" the boss yelled at Annie.
The world of Annie has become dark ,and hellish
Only one, only Annie alone seems to have remain in her world.
Annie wants to seek tranquility in the middle of a lake.
But Annie forgets an important fact. That little kid cannot swim at all!
Annie roused from her desperation suddenly. "Poor little guy."
And Annie starts to cry, and howl in tears while embracing her child.
As the moonlight shines, the little kid sleeps in Annie's embrace.
Look! That's the new hair salon opened by the mother and son, it looks so pretty!!
Perhaps this is the prologue of her happiness, their happiness.


英语翻译分离难免会让人有些悲伤,但偶尔也有意外.安妮是一只绿色的鸭子,她是一名理发师,每天给各种各样的人理发,比如这样,这样.下班后,她常常一个人去酒吧,也许是因为没有地方可去,有 英语翻译生活中难免会有些不愉快的事,但我们要懂得去面对去解决,去正视自己.人生几何不必太强求,顺其自然比较好 英语翻译成长固然美丽,但难免遇到绊脚石 英语翻译人之死,难免也.可免者,唯败也 英语翻译意思差不多也行.类似于心想快乐就快乐,想悲伤就悲伤. 为什么我看印度电影,听他们说话好像有英语看了些印度电影,说的不是纯英语,但偶尔又有些英语.这是怎么回事?是印度的本土语言掺杂了英语在里面,还是现在的印度人也像中国一样偶尔也说 英语翻译你永远在我心 我一辈子都不忘记你天国也有悲伤 但是我与你的感情永远没有悲伤 人总有生离死别就算我肉体死 但我的灵魂永远守护你 英语翻译 :偶尔还下雪 在漫长的人生旅途中,难免有些崎岖和坎坷,但只有厄运打不垮的信念,希望之光就会驱散绝望之云.这段话让我明白了________________. 在漫长的人生旅途中,难免有些崎岖和坎坷,但只有厄运打不垮的信念,希望之光就会驱散绝望之云. 我鼻子闻不到味道,但有时偶尔也能闻到气味是什么原因啊 英语翻译诠释悲伤 英语翻译浅唱、悲伤 英语翻译悲伤点 在不同的城市努力,偶尔也会想想你.求英语翻译!必须人工. 英语翻译石家庄电动自行车市场经过10年的发展,日趋有续规范,应予肯定.但,事物在进展中,难免有良莠不齐的现象,其中有市场对电动自行车管理不足的原因,也有商家对利益过于追求而忽视了 悯农的意思是什么?有些诗更有粗率滑易的毛病,让人觉得浅俗无味;偶尔也有卖弄学问的陋习,重又走到江西派的老路上去.但他毕竟开创了新的诗风,这是一味模仿古人的诗人所不能比拟的.在 马上上初二了,听班里很多同学说,他们暑假都要去预先学物理,我数学还是比较好的,我虽然没学过物理,但偶尔也看看物理的书(虽然有些一知半解).到底用不用去呢