He came by car this morning?怎么造一般疑问句,肯定句,否定句?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 04:54:09
He came by car this morning?怎么造一般疑问句,肯定句,否定句?

He came by car this morning?怎么造一般疑问句,肯定句,否定句?
He came by car this morning?怎么造一般疑问句,肯定句,否定句?

He came by car this morning?怎么造一般疑问句,肯定句,否定句?
Did he come by car this moring?
He came by car this morning.
He didn't come by car this morning.

一般疑问句:Did he come by car this morning?
肯定句:He came by car this morning.
否定句:He didn't come by car this morning.


一般疑问句:Did he come by car this morning?
肯定句:He came by car this morning.
否定句:He didn't come by car this morning.
一般疑问句的结构通常是:情态动词(can、will)/be动词(am/is/are/be动词又称系动词、系动词包括很多种类,除了be动词,还有感官动词,譬如taste:吃起来,smell:闻起来,look:看起来,feel:触摸起来,seem:看起来似乎。变化动词也属于这一类,如fall:落下、变得怎么怎么样,turn:通常接颜色,turn green.get:变得怎么怎么样。最后一类是延续动词,如keep.系动词的用法很特殊也很重要,后面通常接形容词、名词、代词作为表语,构成系表结构,作谓语。)/助动词(do/does,随时态和人称变化)
拓展:I am a teacher/smart.或者接代词:The pen is mine.这支笔是我的。在这里,mine为名词性物主代词,充当系表结构的表语。
由于一般疑问句的句式如此,所以变的时候需要套句式,有be动词的将be动词提前,如:He is a doctor./Is he a doctor?.
没有be 动词,含有情态动词的,将情态动词提前。如:He can swim./Can he swim?
由于肯定陈述句中不可能找到助动词。助动词,顾名思义,是用来帮助动词的,只可用于否定句和疑问句中。所以,如果找不到以上两类,你可以试着找实义动词。一般来说,没有以上两类,就一定会有实义动词。如:He likes cats./Does he like cats?
肯定句句式:主语+谓语(be 动词,实义动词,情态动词不可直接做谓语,后面需要接be(be本身就是am/is/are的原形)或动词原形)(+宾语)如:I am a boy/He likes rabbits./He can piay the piano/She will be angry.注意时态与人称变化即可。
如He is great.(系表结构)/He is not great.(be 动词的否定式与情态动词、助动词一样,在其后加not.) 实义动词:He play the violin very well./He does not play the violin very well.
花了一小时的时间打字- -
The end.


答案:Did he come by car this morning?
He came by car this morning.
He didn't come by car this morning.

Did he come by car this morning?
Yes, he did.
No,he didn't.