怎么翻译啊,这么高难度的,连个逗号都没?But so through had the spirit of self-righteousness and intolerance got hold of the world that until very recently all those who advocated tolerance upon the basis that “we cannot ever possibly

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 16:17:05
怎么翻译啊,这么高难度的,连个逗号都没?But so through had the spirit of self-righteousness and intolerance got hold of the world that until very recently all those who advocated tolerance upon the basis that “we cannot ever possibly

怎么翻译啊,这么高难度的,连个逗号都没?But so through had the spirit of self-righteousness and intolerance got hold of the world that until very recently all those who advocated tolerance upon the basis that “we cannot ever possibly
But so through had the spirit of self-righteousness and intolerance got hold of the world that until very recently all those who advocated tolerance upon the basis that “we cannot ever possibly know who is right and who is wrong” did so at the risk of their lives and usually couched their warnings in such a careful Latin sentences that not more than one or two of their most intelligent readers ever knew what they meant.

怎么翻译啊,这么高难度的,连个逗号都没?But so through had the spirit of self-righteousness and intolerance got hold of the world that until very recently all those who advocated tolerance upon the basis that “we cannot ever possibly





怎么翻译啊,这么高难度的,连个逗号都没?But so through had the spirit of self-righteousness and intolerance got hold of the world that until very recently all those who advocated tolerance upon the basis that “we cannot ever possibly 求证一道高难度物理光学题目2个成角度的平面镜 一道光线射入 反射2次 将2个平面镜转动一个角度后 射出的光线与原射出光线重合 别想得这么简单啊 我们班同学和老师都没人证得出来 做了剑桥雅思7 的烤鸭们,感觉比前几本真题的难度是高还是低我计时做了第一套的阅读,居然对了37个,以前3-6都没正确率这么高,剑7是不是变简单了?1L3L同学们你们落伍了,我说的不是环球的山 英语翻译绕口令+翻译难度高一点的 没品的男人就这么具体.英语怎么翻译 高难度的,20至30个 百度知道这么强大难道连这个电流表知道电流求瓦数的公式都没知道的啊我真的有点失望了 美国科学家怎样方法发现600光年这么远的第二个地球?这么远怎么能发现啊?发现~没说能不能去~明白没? 本来还可以想象,现在连想象的空间都没了.(翻译英文) 高一地理课代表述职报告地理课代表基本上都是闲着,连作业都没收过,述职报告要怎么写的说,从来没写过. 大学英语A级的难度如何已经一年没学英语了,但是之前的基础还不错,就是怕好多知识都遗忘了~难度是不是相当于高三的难度阿?还是更难? 谁能帮我找张有难度的高二数学考卷//急用!没难度不加分// 小米手机怎么这么难抢啊抢了无数次的,红米了,和米3了,连验证码的界面都没看见过,是不是很悲哀,继续用我的2A吧, 苏州动物园有猴子猩猩吗?我昨天去玩的 怎么动物这么少 连猴子 猩猩都没看到 因为我最喜欢去引它们 灵长类嘛 呵呵 俄罗斯帝国皇帝亚历山大一世究竟是怎么死的?官方说他是病死的,可很多传说讲他是装死,随后出游.从历史上来说,叶卡捷琳娜二世几乎每天都让他洗冷水澡,身体没这么差啊,连儿子都没有.. 求一篇优美的英语散文,要高难度的,需翻译,200~300个词左右 用什么翻译英文语法要对,有时候没这么快想出来怎么回复就要借组翻译的东西,可是谷歌语法都错的有什么翻译可以把语法也翻译出来 我的小米2a nfc怎么用不了,连标签一点反应都没?