有谁可以帮我翻译以下段落吗?中译英.不要用翻译软件哦.请注重连词.谢谢~二、东西文化反映在思维逻辑上的差异 东西方思维方式的差异主要体现在辩证思维与逻辑思维上,一般用辩证思

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 16:25:07
有谁可以帮我翻译以下段落吗?中译英.不要用翻译软件哦.请注重连词.谢谢~二、东西文化反映在思维逻辑上的差异     东西方思维方式的差异主要体现在辩证思维与逻辑思维上,一般用辩证思

有谁可以帮我翻译以下段落吗?中译英.不要用翻译软件哦.请注重连词.谢谢~二、东西文化反映在思维逻辑上的差异 东西方思维方式的差异主要体现在辩证思维与逻辑思维上,一般用辩证思

有谁可以帮我翻译以下段落吗?中译英.不要用翻译软件哦.请注重连词.谢谢~二、东西文化反映在思维逻辑上的差异 东西方思维方式的差异主要体现在辩证思维与逻辑思维上,一般用辩证思
Two,culture is reflected in the thinking logic differenceThe East-West differences in ways of thinking is mainly reflected in the dialectical thinking and logical thinking,the general use of dialectical thinking to describe Oriental people,especially the Chinese way of thinking; logic thinking and analytical thinking to describe Westerners,especially Europe and the United States people's way of thinking.Chinese dialectical thinking contains three principles:the change,contradiction and neutralization theory.Discussion on the change that the world is always changing,there is no eternal right and wrong; contradiction is that everything is composed by opposite of contradictory unity,there is no contradiction is not the thing itself; and the theory is embodied in a middle course,that any object street in modest rationality.To the Chinese people," a middle course" after thousands of years of history,and even turned into his character.And Chinese dialectical thinking different,western thinking is a kind of logical thinking.This kind of thinking emphasizes world is same,the contradiction and neutral.The same one that does not change the nature of things,one thing is its own; non contradictory believe a proposition can not right or wrong; Pai stressed that a thing either neutral to,or wrong,with no intermediate.The Western way of thinking also known as analytical thinking,when they consider the issue such as Chinese seeking compromise and harmony,but love from a whole things are separated,the nature of things characteristic of logical analysis.It is because of the different ways of thinking orientation,in many cases,the eastern and western people in human behavior attribution are often just the opposite:Americans emphasized the role of individual,while Chinese emphasizes the role of environment and others.Oriental people believe in idealism,emphasis on subjective perception.Westerners believe in realism,pay attention to objective facts,all with data and facts.

Second, the Eastern and Western cultures is reflected in the difference logic
Differences in the way things Fang Siwei mainly reflected in the dialectical thinking and logical thinking, diale...


Second, the Eastern and Western cultures is reflected in the difference logic
Differences in the way things Fang Siwei mainly reflected in the dialectical thinking and logical thinking, dialectical thinking is generally used to describe Asians, especially Chinese people's way of thinking; with logical thinking or analytical thinking to describe Westerners, especially American and European thinking way. China's dialectical thinking contains three principles: variation theory, the contradiction theory and in theory. Change the idea that the world is changing forever, no eternal right and wrong; Contradiction is that all things are constituted by the opposite paradox, no contradiction is not the thing itself; and in theory are embodied in the doctrine of the mean, the Street who believe that everything in the moderate reasonable. To the Chinese people, "middle" After thousands of years of accumulation, and even turned it into their own inner character traits. With the Chinese dialectical thinking different, Western way of thinking is a kind of logical thinking. This kind of thinking emphasizes the identity of the world, non-contradictory and exclusive neutral. The same victory that will not change the nature of things, one thing is always its own; non-contradictory propositions can not simultaneously believe that a right or wrong; row neutral stress a thing or right, or wrong, no intermediate. Western way of thinking, also known as analytical thinking, they consider these issues when the Chinese do not seek compromise and harmony, but like the whole thing from a separate, essential features of things logical analysis. It is precisely because of the different ways of thinking orientation, in many cases, Asians and Westerners in human behavior are often attributed to the opposite: Americans emphasize the role of individuals, and the Chinese emphasis on the role of the environment and others. Asians believe idealism, subjective view of attention. Westerners believe in realism, attention to objective reality, all the data and facts.


有谁可以帮我翻译以下段落吗?中译英.不要用翻译软件哦.请注重连词.谢谢~二、东西文化反映在思维逻辑上的差异 东西方思维方式的差异主要体现在辩证思维与逻辑思维上,一般用辩证思 英语翻译禁止翻译软体 (急) 请帮我翻以下段落 求您们了 攸关於我的毕业 其实不用每句都翻 翻大概就行了 有至少 700字 就可以了以下但在我看来,杀害、欺侮他人或自己都是一种不好也不对 帮我翻译以下句子, 英语翻译我看得出来是不是用翻译软体翻的喔 (请不要用翻译软体 来呼弄我)希望有英文高手 可以帮我把以下句子 翻成文法通顺 又简单的句子 我不要太艰深的句子要求只有这样而已 以下是 英语翻译我看得出来是不是用翻译软体翻的喔 (请不要用翻译软体 来呼弄我)希望有英文高手 可以帮我把以下句子 翻成文法通顺 又简单的句子 我不要太艰深的句子要求只有这样而已 以下是 英语翻译我看得出来是不是用翻译软体翻的喔 (请不要用翻译软体 来呼弄我)希望有英文高手 可以帮我把以下句子 翻成文法通顺 又简单的句子 我不要太艰深的句子要求只有这样而已 以下是 帮我翻译一句话,翻成英文帮我翻译一下以下两句话,不要工具的,谢谢1.成为艺术家每个月至少可以有多少的收入?2.每个月最多的收入是多少?3.我有一个疑问想要咨询你4.我正在考虑是否要加入 谁可以帮我写一些《童年》《昆虫记》《朝花夕拾》里面的一些段落仿写?非常感谢(最好把原段落也打出来!现在沃已经不要了,不过这个答复是沃现在要的~ 谁帮我翻译以下suspend input decoder 有人帮我人工翻译英语段落么 英语翻译,段落大意就可以了,不要挨句翻译,谢谢不要全部翻译,就要段落大意,谢谢 英语翻译,段落大意就可以,不要全文翻译,谢谢就要段落大意,不要挨句翻译,谢谢 英语翻译我不要那些自动翻译的.有人英语厉害点的可以帮我翻译一下吗. 帮我翻译以下书名(英): 英语翻译请大家帮我翻译以下 谁可以帮我补以下高中数学?希望好心人帮帮忙! 英语翻译请帮我看看吧,这是我临时想出来的,以下这几句有没有错误的语法,有的话请帮我正确的修饰,但是翻译后的意思不要差出太多,粗黑线和粗红线的部份不能更改,但是可以在同一行换位 英语翻译谁帮我翻译一下,不要生硬的翻译