
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 08:25:07


表示方向的介词:into,out of,along,acros,through,to,from.
at 在某地点(表示比较狭窄的场所) 返回
at school
at home
at No.2 Baker Street
at a factory
I'll meet him at the Beijing railway station.
in 在某地(表示比较宽敞的场所)
in Beijing
in China
in the world
in the street
She was born in China.
on a.在...上面,有接触面
on the desk
There are two maps on the wall.
on the right
on the river
above 在...上方
Our plane flew above the clouds.
over 在...正上方,是under的反义词 返回
There is light over Li Ming.
A few birds were flying over the sea.
under 在...下面;在...之内
under the table
under the jacket
The dog is under the table.
below 在...下方(不一定是正下方)
There are a lot of fishes below the surface of the water.
near 近的,不远的
near = not far
Is there a bus stop near here
by 在...旁边,距离比near要近
by the window
by me
The boy is standing by the window.
between,among,around 返回
between 在两者之间
My teacher is sitting between Tom and Mike.
What's the difference between A and B
among 在三者或更多的之中
There is a beautiful house among the trees.
He is very popular among the students.
around 环绕,在...周围,在...四周
We sat around the table.
They walked around the street.
in front of,behind
in front of 在...的前面;在...的前部
The is a tree in front of the house.
There is a big desk for the teacher in front of the classroom.
behind 在...后面 是 in front of的反义词 返回
There is a tree behind the house.

(1) on 表示在某物的上面,指与某物体相接触。如:
  The map of China is on the wall. 中国地图挂在墙上。
  His coat is on the chair. 他的上衣在椅子上。
  (2) under 表示在某物垂直的正下方,两者之间不接触。如:


(1) on 表示在某物的上面,指与某物体相接触。如:
  The map of China is on the wall. 中国地图挂在墙上。
  His coat is on the chair. 他的上衣在椅子上。
  (2) under 表示在某物垂直的正下方,两者之间不接触。如:
  My pen is under the desk. 我的钢笔在桌子下。
  (3) behind 表示在某物的后面。如:
  There is a tree behind the house. 房子后面有棵树。
  (4) in 表示在场所、地点或位置里,意为“在……之内”、“在……里面”。如:
  Your pencil is in the pencil-box. 你的铅笔在铅笔盒里。
  Nanjing is in Jiangsu Province. 南京在江苏省。
  (5) in front of 表示“在……的前面”,与 behind 恰好相反。如:
  My sister stands in front of my father. 我妹妹站在我父亲前面。
  (6) near 表示在某物的附近,意为“接近,靠近”。如:
  My house is near the lake. 我的房子位于湖畔。
  (7) over 表示在某物的垂直正上方,与 under 正好相反。如:
  The light is over the desk. 灯在课桌的正上方。
in on to用法区别的最简单记法
Guangzhou is _in__ the southeast of China .



1.这不是对不对的问题,而是可不可以的问题. 2.当然不是所有的介词短语在动词后表方位如: I