UL认证的翻译请帮我翻译一下如下英文,是UL认证的.谢谢了.Dear Customer: This notification aims to provide you with instructions regarding your responsibility for maintaining the UL Follow-Up Service Procedure and other relevant in

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 07:30:52
UL认证的翻译请帮我翻译一下如下英文,是UL认证的.谢谢了.Dear Customer: This notification aims to provide you with instructions regarding your responsibility for maintaining the UL Follow-Up Service Procedure and other  relevant in

UL认证的翻译请帮我翻译一下如下英文,是UL认证的.谢谢了.Dear Customer: This notification aims to provide you with instructions regarding your responsibility for maintaining the UL Follow-Up Service Procedure and other relevant in
Dear Customer:
This notification aims to provide you with instructions regarding your responsibility for maintaining the UL Follow-Up Service Procedure and other relevant inspection documents at your factory.
1. According to the UL Service Agreement, it clearly states that if UL determines that a product is eligible for UL Services, UL will prepare and lend a Follow-Up Service Procedure only after establishment of UL service to the customer(s). Customer(s) must demonstrate to UL’s satisfaction that the Manufacturer(s) will produce the product in accordance with this UL Follow-Up Services Procedure.
2. It is the primary responsibility of the customer to maintain a complete and up-to-date FUS Procedure in the factory at all times. The updated FUS procedure is absolutely necessary in order for you to manufacture products in compliance to UL requirements. The FUS Procedure should be made readily available to the UL Inspector to carry out the UL Follow-Up Services Inspection.
3. UL offers on-line Client Document Access (CDA) Services through the MyHome@UL service portal. Once you are successfully registered for a MyHome account, you may freely access your Procedure materials on-line. Our Inspector can then view the Procedure on-line during the inspection visit. Remarks: Before you determine to destroy your paper documents, it is advisable and important to confirm that all necessary materials are available and complete on CDA, or that you are retaining the missing information.
4. If you prefer to maintain hard copies of the procedure, you are required to implement internal document control procedures to insure that the Procedure is regularly updated when new revisions pages are forwarded to you from UL.
5. For the customer holding an inactive account when there is no regular UL marked production or subassemblies, it is still your responsibility to maintain an updated FUS Procedure.
6. If UL discovers that you are not able to maintain a complete and up-to-date FUS Procedure, UL will
Issue VN and place all existing products and any future products intended for bearing UL Mark “On Hold" until such time that a complete set and up-to-date Procedure can be obtained and verified and the held product can then be examined, and
Temporarily maintain the FUS Procedure for the manufacturer billed at an HOURLY rate until such time the manufacturer demonstrates that he can do this on his own.

UL认证的翻译请帮我翻译一下如下英文,是UL认证的.谢谢了.Dear Customer: This notification aims to provide you with instructions regarding your responsibility for maintaining the UL Follow-Up Service Procedure and other relevant in
1. 根据UL认证服务协议,它明确指出,如果美国UL确定某个产品是合格的UL认证服务,UL将仅在建立勒顾客服务之后准备和增加维护UL跟踪服务程序,客户必须向UL的满意地指出,制造商将按照产品服务程序生产.
2. 这是客户最基本的责任保持工厂一直有最完整的,最新的FUS程序.更新后的FUS程序是绝对必要的,以便为您制造的产品符合UL要求.该程序的FUS应随时提供给UL认证检查员进行了UL跟踪服务检查.
3. UL认证客户端提供文件访问(CDA)的服务通过MyHome @ UL认证服务的门户上线.一旦你成功地为一MyHome帐户注册,您可以自由地在网上访问您的程序资料.我们的督察可以视察在线查看程序.备注:在你决定要摧毁你的书面文件,以确认所有必要的材料是在CDA上是可见的和完整的是非常重要的,或是保留住丢失的信息.
4. 如果您希望保持硬拷贝的程序,当新的修订由美国UL转发给你,要求你实现内部文件控制程序,以确保该程序,定期更新网页.
5. 对于没有定期UL认证标志的客户生产或部件持有非活动帐户时,依然是你的责任维护更新的FUS程序.
6. 如果美国UL发现你无法保持完整和最新的FUS程序,UL将发出VN且将所有现有产品和后续产品用标记“扣留”,直到一个完整和及时的最新程序,并可以得到验证,所进行的产品就可以进行审查,暂时维持在制造商账单的计时工资的的FUS程序,直至程序制造商的制造商证明,他可以做他自己的这一点.


去谷歌的翻译中翻译一下 ,就全都出来了。

1. 根据UL认证服务协议,它明确声明,如果UL确定某个产品合格的,在UL顾客服务建立之后,UL将给顾客准备和提供一个跟踪服务程序。客户必须向UL表明,制造商将按照UL跟踪服务程序制造产品。
2. 客户最基本责任是在工厂所有项目中维护完整的、最新的FUS程序。更新的FUS程...


1. 根据UL认证服务协议,它明确声明,如果UL确定某个产品合格的,在UL顾客服务建立之后,UL将给顾客准备和提供一个跟踪服务程序。客户必须向UL表明,制造商将按照UL跟踪服务程序制造产品。
2. 客户最基本责任是在工厂所有项目中维护完整的、最新的FUS程序。更新的FUS程序是绝对必要的,以便您制造的产品符合UL要求。该FUS程序将随时提供给UL认证检查员进行了UL跟踪服务检查。
3. UL通过MyHome@UL服务门户网站提供在线客户文件访问(CDA)服务,一旦你成功地注册为一名MyHome帐户,您可以自由地在线访问您的程序资料。我们的认证检查员可以工厂检查期间在线查看该程序。备注:在你决定要销毁你的书面文件之前,证实CDA上的所有必要的材料是可用的和完整的是可取的和必要的,或保留可能丢失的信息。
4. 如果您希望在本地保持该程序的硬拷贝,您应当要求实施内部文件控制程序,并确保当UL发送新的修改页时,FUS程序能经常更新。
5. 对于客户因不经常生产带UL认证标志的产品或部件,而保持非活动帐户时,维护更新FUS程序依然是你的责任。
6. 如果UL发现你不能维持完整和最新的FUS程序,UL将发出VN且将所有现有产品和任何将来产品贴上UL标志“待定”(“On Hold"),直至一套完整和最新的程序得以获取并得到验证,随后产品可以进行检查,和制造商以每小时计费的费率付费来临时地维持FUS程序,直至制造商表明,他可以自己这么做。
