
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 18:36:30


这是《绿野仙踪》(The Wizard Of Oz)插曲 Over the rainbow(彩虹之上) 张韶涵都有唱过,不过原唱是茱蒂迦伦,下面是这首歌的中文意思 Over the rainbow(彩虹之上) somewhere over the rainbow way up high 在遥远的天上,彩虹的那一端 there's a land that i heard of once in a lullaby 有一个在摇篮曲中的地方 somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue 天空是蔚蓝的,在彩虹的那一端 and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true 你的每一个梦想都会变成现实 someday i wish upon a star 我梦想有一天飞到一颗星上 and wake up where the clouds are far behind me 当我醒来,云朵远远的在我身后 where troubles smelled like lemon drops 烦恼就像柠檬糖 way above the chimney tops that's where you'll find me 我就在那烟囱之上的路上 somewhere over the rainbow blue birds fly 兰鸟自由飞翔,在彩虹的那一端 birds fly over the rainbow 鸟儿飞过彩虹 why then,oh why can't 为什么那时,我不可以 somewhere over the rainbow blue birds fly birds fly over the rainbow why then,oh why can't if happy little blue birds fly beyong the rainbow why,oh why can't i 就像快乐的小鸟飞翔在彩虹的边上 为什么,那时,我不可以