same to you.这句话是完整的句子吗?如果是的话那么它的主、谓、宾分别是什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 11:24:19
same to you.这句话是完整的句子吗?如果是的话那么它的主、谓、宾分别是什么?

same to you.这句话是完整的句子吗?如果是的话那么它的主、谓、宾分别是什么?
same to you.这句话是完整的句子吗?如果是的话那么它的主、谓、宾分别是什么?

same to you.这句话是完整的句子吗?如果是的话那么它的主、谓、宾分别是什么?
相当于 I will say the same to you

same to you.这句话是完整的句子吗?如果是的话那么它的主、谓、宾分别是什么? Treat others in the same way you want to be treated这句话什么意思是《论语》里的一句话 有没有you are the same这句话you are the same与the same to you一样不一样 这句英文什么意思then isay the same to youthen isay the same to you I would like you to love me the same love you 有谁知道的这句是什么意思 问是the same for you 还是the same to youto 和for 的区别? Happy birthday.The same to ypu这句话那里错了?happ birthday to you!the same to you!那里错了阿?两句中一定有错的,不是说两个人的生日是不是在同一天,不要答非所问,55555。 请问你最好不做某事”是You'd better not do 还是You'd better not to do ,还有这句话里You'd 的完整形式是You had 还是You would? is her lifestyle the same as yours or different?这是一个怎样的句型,该怎么回答?这句话完整吗,省略的部分是什么? Many thanks,the same to you这句话我改怎么回复 I want to do the same thing as you do.这句话正确?去掉'thing'呢 根据答句或问句,把句子写完整1._____________________________ About seven thirty.2._____________________________ The same to you.3._____________________________ Jane does. Thank you and the same to you .这句话对吗?RT是在想今年的中考题情景是两个人讨论暑假出游计划 都要出去 最后分别时一个人祝另一个人旅途愉快 填答语我是这样想的答案是有三种 You ,too / The same i have to change to stay the same 这句话应该怎么样翻译啊?好像是一句名言来的 The same to you.的问句是什么? 英语翻译”上面的不完整错了 是这句话!“Prior to cancelling your offer of residence we wanted to follow up with you in the event that you were pursuing an avenue of appeal” what do you want to be one day?这句话怎么回答啊?(根据自己的现实情况)大哥大姐 还有 我 要 完整句。好了 给 20F You'us made the same mistake as you made lost time这句话的意思?.