
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 02:00:08


not bad,if you can write like this in a real test you would probably make band 6 or over.

请诸位雅思大牛来为这篇作文打分并且详细评分, 请给这篇雅思作文打分.In the present age,international aids are playing increasingly important roles in certain poorer countries’s progress.But in the meantimes,whether giving aids to poorer countires has more adverse impact than positive 以挫折为话题的作文怎么写?一定要简洁明了,并且要迅速(因为块开学了)请诸位大侠帮帮忙,悬赏分是很高地. 雅思大作文 打分以及点评.谢谢.1 请为下面雅思作文打分分析原因作文没有写完,因为确实写不下去了作文题目是剑桥雅思真题3 第一套题的TASk2Nowadays many popular international activities just like the world cup and ATP held on the world.Under this 我为某某同学打分 作文 请雅思写作老师给我这篇作文打分!It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents,for instance for sport or music,and others are not.However,it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good spo 请雅思老师给我这篇作文打分,并给评价!It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents,for instance for sport or music,and others are not.However,it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a g 雅思口语现场打分么 雅思口语考官什么时候打分 雅思口语什么时间打分 哪个雅思考点打分松 设F(X)是定义在R上以4为周期的偶函数,若F(X)在区间[4,6]上单调递增,那么在区间[-2,0]上F(X)反函数是并且,又问(4为周期的函数F(X)意义?请诸位详细说明以4为周期说明F(X)=F(X+4n)(n为整数)这句的 高一英语作文请打分30分制 请帮忙给我的托福作文打分~请懂托福作文打分的或者作文达人打个分(我指30分满分的那种),因为想知道自己的水平如何,这是我头一次写的两篇(另一篇打不下我重发一个提问),虽然只有 请打分,说出理由, 请打分,说出理由. 请打分,雅思大作文In terms of university education, some people claim that there are too much theoretical classes. Instead, they insist that the practical courses should weigh more in college education which definitely will benefit students.