
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 12:31:20


Popular Stars discuss about drugs :Looking for inspiration or going down the drain.
In recent years,television had compeition for talented people who wanted to be famous,music industry looking for potential singers are all over the place.More and more people are getting into the circle,and when they are making friends with the stars,some more experienced actors were taking drugs which more or less affect them.This caused the new ones to follow them blindly and ruined their career lifes with bad reputation from the start.Some even went to jail,like 卫诗、周永恒、关楚耀、吴浩康.
Some artist,when they are famous,they start to feel empty in life.There are two ways to recover,its either the healthy way where they could live a healthy life style or the bad way where they might have to deal with drugs for the rest of their life.
Without realizing,abusing drugs had became one of the great influence in the entertaining industry.Abusing drugs,getting caught,trying to quit,but start to abuse again.The pressure from everyday life,the need for inspiration or even influenced by other artist created thisvicious cyle of drug abuse.Base on the situation now,the artists need a healthy guideline to change their stastic.