They are afraid that their planes will be shot down.(would行吗)relief agencies report that many civilians are in desperate need of food and shelter.Several European countries have agreed to send aid,but They are afraid that their planes will be s

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 01:30:43
They are afraid that their planes will be shot down.(would行吗)relief agencies report that many civilians are in desperate need of food and shelter.Several European countries have agreed to send aid,but They are afraid that their planes will be s

They are afraid that their planes will be shot down.(would行吗)relief agencies report that many civilians are in desperate need of food and shelter.Several European countries have agreed to send aid,but They are afraid that their planes will be s
They are afraid that their planes will be shot down.(would行吗)
relief agencies report that many civilians are in desperate need of food and shelter.Several European countries have agreed to send aid,but They are afraid that their planes will be shot down.这里的will用would行吗,我的第一反映就是would,这句只是对将来的假象而已,shot down有没有关系,be shot down应该是被动来理解,但shot是原型啊,怪怪的.顺便问一句 ,我现在学英语的困惑是,很多东西光看和听懂感觉很容易,但自己要运用或开口说的时候,好像很多东西都朦朦胧胧的.主要是用词的精准度、同义词的辨别感觉是个无底洞.比方begin 和start的区别,纠结了半年还没搞懂,看了很多别人的阐述,也对照了很多的例句,越看越乱.其他热心人不用回答,因为我不会选其他人的答案的,

They are afraid that their planes will be shot down.(would行吗)relief agencies report that many civilians are in desperate need of food and shelter.Several European countries have agreed to send aid,but They are afraid that their planes will be s
呵呵,感谢你对我如此信任,专门来求助我,我唯恐自己所学不精会误人子弟啊. 那么下面切回正题:其实楼主你已经一句话命中主题了,“ 这句只是对将来的假象而已 ”,确实这句话是典型的虚拟语气,但是关键点不是你说的be shot down,而是前面主句用了are,they are afraid,这里可以看出来是对将来不可知的推测,但是这一将来的情况是有很大的可能发生的(也就是我们通常所说的真实条件句),那么我们就不用虚拟语气而用陈述语气(非真实条件句表示的是假设的或实际可能性不大的情况,故采用虚拟语气. 真实条件句用于陈述语气,假设的情况有可能发生.)所以主句用了一般现在时的系动词are,那么后面就只能用将来的将来时(will)而不能过去将来时(could, should, would)了,换句话说,如果抛开整句话的时态,单独用替换法来看,如果这句话前面用的是they were afraid后面就可定是用would了,当然我这么讲解是不科学不符合道理的. 话说回来,其实我本人对于虚拟语气也是一塌糊涂的,大学时候学的关于虚拟语气的东西要么混淆的一塌糊涂,要么都已经还给老师了,初中和高中的虚拟语气掌握个大概基本很简单,但是有一点就是,我说下我学英语的时候吧,我不管从初中到大学学英语,基本很少听课很少做作业,也很少纠结去做练习,做解析题,我完完全全就是凭语感,其实不难发现,从多次我对你问题的解答来看,我的回答都不是特别专业,都不像那些英语老师似的说一大堆语法问题什么什么的,我通常都是从语境的角度出发,对么?因为语法我确实不是强项,我自己也许很明白,但是要我来说明它,我就很难说明,因为我完全凭的是语感,所以只能从语境方面来下手,这才是我的强项,感觉楼主在某些方面和我比较象(对语法啊等一些细节的地方不是很精准)那么你就不要那么纠结于这些疙疙瘩瘩的地方,着重于培养语感,一样可以把英语学的很好很强大,而且培养语感学英语跟“书呆子”派比起来很有一个很大优势,就是“书呆子”能应付考试缺开不了口,基本哑巴英语,但是培养语感的话,你自己完全可以一般的英语交流环境,没有问题,我们学英语最主要是为了说,不是么? 希望以上长篇废话对楼主有帮助

They are afraid that he may fall behind others.的意思 those --- afraid of difficulties will certainly faila,who areb,that arec,which ared,they are they are only afraid of falling us. they are afraid that eldest aunt will be angry句子中will是用原型还是用would谢谢 But they are afraid of you are not happy, they are afraid (that)I'll live alone.(that)可省?我感觉是同位于?是宾语从句?是宾语从句就能省?做宾语可省是定于从句? A.such; that B.even; which; who D.too,whomSome drivers drive ________ fast that they make people ________ are trying to cross the street afraid. why not political reform?what are they afraid of They are afraid that their planes will be shot down.(would行吗)relief agencies report that many civilians are in desperate need of food and shelter.Several European countries have agreed to send aid,but They are afraid that their planes will be s some parentscare so much about the ( ) of their children that they are afraid to let them go anywhere or do anything by themselves. There are three _______ over there.They are afraid of cats.They ares _____ than cats. They were afraid to live alone.Now they aren't afraid to do that.改为同义句They ( )( )( )afraid to live alone Feel that they are an they are great that,s 英语翻译人工翻译For those of us who are studying at school,the time of exams is very stressful and difficult.Some people find exam times so bad that they become ill,because they are afraid of failing; they are afraid of letting their parents 英语翻译For most students,the time of exams is very stressful and difficult.Some people find exam time so bad that they become ill,because they are afraid of failing; they are afraid of letting their parents and families down.If exams are really 改错I afraid that you are late for the meeting I'm afraid not you don't love me.But they are afraid of you are not happy,