manner 和behavior的区别It's bad( )for a man to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed. 写manner还是behavior,谢谢!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 05:33:28
manner 和behavior的区别It's bad(  )for a man to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed. 写manner还是behavior,谢谢!

manner 和behavior的区别It's bad( )for a man to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed. 写manner还是behavior,谢谢!
manner 和behavior的区别
It's bad( )for a man to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed. 写manner还是behavior,谢谢!

manner 和behavior的区别It's bad( )for a man to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed. 写manner还是behavior,谢谢!
填behavior 两者都有行为 品行的意思,但是manner可数,而且词义用法更广.
  方法; 方式; 样子
  态度,举止; [pl.]礼貌,规矩
  [pl.]风俗,习惯; 生活方式
  (艺术、文学的)风格,手法; 文体
  advance in a wave-like manner
  a picture in the manner of Raphael
  good manners
  bad manners
  The manner of presentation is highly important.
  He had an absent-minded manner.
  Mind your manners.
  She has written a book on the manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians.
  after a manner 马马虎虎地,不大令人满意地
  after the manner of 仿效,学...的样; ...式的
  all manner of 各种,形形色色的(人、东西等)
  by all manner of means 尽一切办法; 一定,绝对; 当然可以,没问题
  by any manner of means (=by any means) 以任何可能的方法; 无论如何
  by no manner of means 决不,一点也不
  do [make] one's manners [古]行礼,敬礼
  have no manners 没有礼貌
  have no manner of (right) 毫无(权利)
  in manner of 以...方式
  in a manner (=in a way,in some degree) 在某种意义上; 多少,有点
  in a manner prescribed by law 依法定程序
  in a manner of speaking 不妨说; 说起来,在某个意义上说
  in an all-round manner 全面地
  in like manner 同样地
  in such a manner 于是,如此
  in [with] the manner 在现形中,当场
  in the manner born 天生的
  in the manner of 照...的式样; 做出...的样子
  in this manner 如此,照这样
  no manner of 一点也不,根本没有
  shark's manners [俚]贪心,贪婪
  taken [found] with the manner 人赃俱获
  to the manner born 生来的; 生来就适合...
  what manner of ...[古]什么样子的...哪一种的...