那个小偷拼命地跑 The thief ran _ _ _ _ _填5个词,翻译急!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 03:32:20

那个小偷拼命地跑 The thief ran _ _ _ _ _填5个词,翻译急!
那个小偷拼命地跑 The thief ran _ _ _ _ _

那个小偷拼命地跑 The thief ran _ _ _ _ _填5个词,翻译急!
as fast as he can
5个词,我觉得思路是这样的 as ...as

那个小偷拼命地跑用英语怎么说那个小偷拼命地跑 The thief ran _ _ _ _ 那个小偷拼命地跑 The thief ran _ _ _ _ _填5个词,翻译急! 他警察描述那个小偷的样子 He ________ the thief ________ the police 那个小偷逃跑了,我们没能抓住他用英语怎么说The thief _____ _____ .We couldn ist catch him. 小偷害怕警察.The thief ___ ____of police.(翻译) 小偷害怕警察用英语怎么说The thief _____ _____ _____ the police officers. The thief admitted______ the house.小偷承认进了屋.(横线上只填一个单词) 英语翻译1The old lady hit the thief over the head with a candlestick and now he is unconscious.我的翻译:老太太用烛台打了那个小偷的头,现在他昏迷不醒.2这里的over啥意思? 中译英:警察队小偷做了笔录 The police__ __ __the thief. The police finally come _______ _______the thief.警察最终赶上了小偷. A thief _____ the door ____ and stole their computer.一个小偷破门而入…… 初三英语根据提示完成句子这些男孩在看见那个小偷的时候,朝他扔了鸡蛋.The boys_____ eggs at the thief when they saw him. 完成句子(英语报纸上面的)It was the young man's behaviour______that he might be a thief.(make)正是那个年轻人的行为举止让警察发现他可能是一个小偷. 根据汉语完成句子1)那个小偷刚才从商店里出来逃跑了That thief ( ) ( ) ( ) the shop and ( ) ( ) just now.2)他进来时我正在睡懒觉I was ( ) ( ) when he ( ) ( )空格数没有出错. 拼命地跑用英语怎么说 不要让那个贼跑了.( ) ( ) the thief go away. 看到警察,小偷很快就跑掉了 When the thief saw the policemen看到警察,小偷很快就跑掉了 When the thief saw the policemen,he__ __ __ 填什么 The police ________ the thief ____in a police car警察把小偷抓上警车带走了.