
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 15:29:01


:英语 试题 答案 PEP 第四册 PEP教材四年级下册英语试题\\学校:百口中心小学      一、单选题.(请选出正确的序号填在相应的括号里)(20分)
( )1、comp_ter A、u B 、o C 、e
( )2、p_cture A 、i B、 e C 、 o
( )3、Ch_nese A、i B、 e C 、 u
( )4、cl_ss A、u B、 e C、 a
( )5、j_cket A、i B 、e C 、a
( )6、y_llow A、o B 、e C、 a
( )7、s_nny A、o B、a C、 u
( )8、_pple A、a B、e C、 u
( )9、d_ck A、a B、e C、 u
( )10、r_bbit A、a B、e C、 u
yes-----( ) come-----( )
cheap----( ) big--------( )
long------( )
1、 to school our welcome
2、 the canteen is where
3、 a is this teacher’s desk
4、 it is what time
5、 over is school
6、、are you what doing
7、 is it much how
8、cows how many do you have
9、hores how many are there
10、weather like today is the what
( )1、“多少钱”用英语怎么表达
A、How many are they?
B、How much is it
( ) ”用英语怎么说
A、Can I help you
B、 Can you help me
( )3、 小朋友在放风筝,你看到了多少风筝呢?
A、How many kite can you see
B、how many kites can you see
( )4、我的衬衫是红色的,该如何表达
A、My shirt is red .
B、my shirt is yellow.
( )5、穿上你的毛衣,怎么用英语表达
A、Put on your sweater
B、Put away your sweater.
( )6、 whose is it?
A、 它是谁的?
( )7、“几点了?”用英语如何表达.
A、 How much is it
B、 What time is it
( )1、A、cake B、bag C、cat D、hat
( )2、 A、face B、cake C、snake D、apple
( )3、 A、we B、me C、he D、egg
( )4、 A、bed B、pen C、desk D、me
( )5、 A、bike B、rice C、 kite D、milk
( )6、 A、fish B、window C、bike D、milk
( )7、 A、hole B、nose C、rose D、 lock
( )8、 A、bus B、cup C、cut D、umbrella
( )9、 A、music B、student C、cute D、cup
( )10、 A、box B、fox C、lock D、home
6:30 go to bed
7:05 go home
4:35 get up
9:00 go to school
I go to school from Monday to Friday.today is Monday .at 7:00 I get up .i go to school at 7:45;I have lunch in the canteen at 11:30;school is over at 4:00.I go to library,I see books.
( )1、today is Monday.
( )2、I go to school at 7:00.
( )3、I have lunch at home.
( )4、school is over.i go home.
参考答案:一、1-5 AAACC;6-10 BCACA 
     二、no ; go; expensive; big ; short.
三、1、Welcome to our school.
2、Where is the canteen?
3、Is this a teacher’s desk?
4、What time is it?
5、School is over.
6、What are you doing?
7、How much is it?
8、How many cows do you have?
9、How many horses are there?
10、What the weather like today?
五、1-5 ADDDD 6-10 CDCDD


