
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 11:35:14
谁能帮我把这一小段英文翻译成中文?Waseda University would appreciate a confidential statement from you concerning the applicant namedabove. We are particularly interested in the applicant's ability to carry on academic work, his or her 关于校园四季的作文 我们的校园作文(用四季的方法) is it necessary to pass cet4 or cet6 in uiniversity 四级作文 what do you think of your teacher这个作文哪里有四级的范文? bec1 和CET4 相对来说哪个难度大点 BEC1 需要多少词汇量能PASS,JUST PASS 529 CET4 PASS NO PASS 的了?ps.写作47相当于多少分?是不是写作有点低了?写作这么低是不是还要倒扣分啊?那我还过不过得去了?今年四级是不是比历年容易啊? I hope that you will e( )yourselves atI hope that you will e( )yourselves at the party johnny翻译成中文是是什么,提交这些答案不对 johnny b 翻译成中文叫什么? johnny网名中文 意思 hard at work school I(? school hard at work连词成句 I work hard at schoo 和 At school Iwork hard 孙中山到过哪年国家? I enjoy school and I work hard atI enjoy school and I work hard at all my lesson.A ,am B,very C,much D,really 孙中山要建立的至完美的国家是什么样的国家 孙中山是哪个国家的总统?孙中山是国家的总统?我与同学的意见不同 do you think it necessary to learn to wait in line?请问如何翻译?语法结构. It is () for us to learn to wait in line Do you think it __for us so learn to wait?--yes,I think so.A.well B.surprised c.exzctly d.necessary Do you e______ yourself at the birthday party? (首字母填空) Tom,did you e___ yourself at her party? 求五篇英语阅读材料(初一)五篇英文要读材料,积累重要词组和句子,汉语意思.不需要太长. Hard work 的中文意思是什么 work 它的用法? hard work 和 work hard 是一个意思么 孙中山小时候的故事 孙中山小时候的故事的题目 I will work hard love with I just have feelings for you ,but we are still in a very young age.I won't leave you before you leave me fool,I will always be beside you,you are the scar in my heart,give me some time if you trust me. this love needs hard work to work My dear wife,you work hard,I love you forever.