
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 01:47:20
room 3,north region 和 room 2,west region是什么意思 对打了括号部分的提问:the boy had (some medidine) just now.i like the coat (on the right) best.she usually gets up (at half past six).she went shopping (by bus) yesterday.we have lunch (at school). the pencil-case iamade of metal.(metal)为划线部分.__ si the pencil-case __of? 遇见你是我一生之中最美的回忆,也是我生活的开始英文怎么说? In ________ late 19th century,Europe changed ________ great deal and was playing important roles in ________ international trade.A.the;a;the B.the;the;/C./;a;the D.the;a;/ 20世纪初期可不可以说in the beginning of 20th centuryat the beginning of 20th century “一生中最美的日子”用英语怎么说 all along和all the time 和always的区别是什么?一直以来用那个更合适? 对打括号部分进行提问!1.Jones sings (very well).2.Lao Li listening to (Peking Opera)now.3.They will arrive (by train) this evening.4.Professor Jennings is going to buy (a Chinese-English dictionary)next week.5.Tom is going to visit his frien room 5 west 翻译中国人、英国人用英文 英语为什么我们中国人要学?他们英国人怎么不学中文? He can play chess.He cannot play chess.(合并句子) bill can play ( ) violin but he can't play ( ) chess. play. the. chess. he. violin. can.play. the. chess. he. violin. can. and造句 对打括号的部分进行提问!1.I have (read a book) for two hours.2.This is (my) book.3.The sun usually (rises) ealy in summer.4.He likes (Summer)best.5.It's (sunny) today. He can play chess and he can swim合并 《我学会了爱》 作文 要那种有内涵!有深度的!600字. That was the situation until a couple of years late That 代指 the situation 么 untill the early years of the 19th century did man know what heat is. 我的名字是王国英,女,谁能帮我起个英文名啊?万谢!学生,喜欢g或是y开头的 易白的英文名是叫E-bai吗? Evi Bai这个英文名怎么样? 英语翻译用括号里给的提示词翻译下列句子!急用!1、诸如打电话、听电话一类的事情占用了这位秘书的大部分时间.(take up)2、明天可能下雨,但不管怎么样,我们打算回家去.(any case)3、不要 英语翻译1.There weren't any hightways.2.We'll do it by ourselves.3.She had a good time yesterday.4.This computer is mine.5.Each country takes turns to give one tyghoon a name. 英语翻译1 你已经有电影票了吗?我三天前就买了.2 我从8岁起就开始等你.3 你坐在那已经3个小时了4 你说你要好好学英语,但是自从买了这本书你就从来没看过.5 你要去超市吗?不去.你总是这么 The teacher was very angry,because Jim was l__________ for school again. the teacher was very angry because we got too n()RT 中文名wang en ting,有什么合适的英文名呢?要求:最好谐音和中文差不多姓氏得一样!楼主男人 想要取个英文名 中文名字是 dan ting最好和我的名字读起来比较像的.去上班用的~急用 ,强调:我要的是英文名! 各路仙人们,帮我取一个含有ting的英文名吧.要好听,特别点的哦. 设tanθ=3,求sin2θ-2cos^2θ的值如题